EC Internet provides Internet E-Commerce Solutions

It happens every day that the Internet becomes a little more important to your company’s future. Your website and your presence on mobile devices represent you around the world.  In just milliseconds, prospects judge you by your website, and that can either make or break your business.

Is your website current?  Is it well-written?  Does it sell your products and services?

And more importantly, does it inspire trust in your company and invite clients to stay with you?

EC Internet offers total support for your business on the web and on mobile devices. We design, install and maintain effective web and mobile-based electronic commerce systems for companies in the business to business marketplace just like yours.  We’ve been doing it for 15 years, and our customized solutions have generated over $250 million in revenue fed directly to Sage ERP systems.

Tell us your eCommerce goals and objectives.  We will help you reach them.

Our Value: Get it done.

"We focus on getting projects completed and making sure your web selling systems run smoothly. EC Internet supervises every step of your web project. Our job is to make sure you meet your Internet goals. We have the highest success rate for eCommerce with Sage.

EC Internet provides continuous monitoring of your systems. Our technicians intervene when attention is needed 24 hours a day, seven days a week. Our track record is excellent, and we are committed to your success with Electronic Commence on the Internet."

David Harris, President, EC Internet


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